What Should You Wear?

This can be the most difficult part and you may not have even started shopping yet. 

When I speak to new riders, or riders new to the world of gear I find that often times they're not sure what they're looking for. We're conditioned to shop purely based on styles that don't help us as motorcyclists. 

Yes, it looks COOL but will it protect, breathe, ventilate? Are you sure a hoody is going to protect you for you 45 mile freeway commute? Are you sure that badass wax cotton jacket is going to work in 90 degree heat and humidity?

When I meet a new rider who is looking for gear I like to ask some questions:

  1. What is your budget? (roughly)

  2. What motorcycle(s) do you ride / own?

  3. What do you need to buy exactly? (jacket, pants, helmet, boots, gloves?)

  4. Are you only going to be a fairweather/ warm weather rider? Or do you plan on riding through the entire year?

  5. Are you riding just around town (neighborhoods) or do you need to get on the freeway and get somewhere?

  6. Do you run or hot or cold?

Once you answer these questions, I can help you get pointed in the right direction. There are a lot of things to look at when it comes to gear and it can be really overwhelming so this is why I put this page together to help you sort some things out before you start really shopping. I hope this helps.  

The differences between buying good (less expensive) and great (more expensive) motorcycle gear often comes down to fit, quality and comfort.

You simply get what you pay for.

Expect the Unexpected

If you're new to riding or new to wearing gear, it doesn't matter whether you riding a motorcycle or scooter. The risks are the same and you are equally at risk of injury on either type of bike.

You should also consider saving up a portion of your bike purchase for gear too. At the very minimum, look to spend the following on for entry level motorcycle gear options. 

  1. $150-$200 on a helmet (full face)

  2. $200-$400 on a jacket (leather will be higher on the scale)

  3. $70-100 gloves (full fingered, leather)

  4. $150-$200 boots (protective)

  5. $150-$200 pants (abrasion resistant)

My elbows were scraped up in a ~45mph lowside in 2016. See how none of the seams opened?

My elbows were scraped up in a ~45mph lowside in 2016. None of the seams compromised.

The gear you bought at the mall doesn't count. We're talking about PROTECTIVE safety gear. Just because something Looks like it can be worn on a motorcycle, doesn't mean it will actually do anything for you on one. I’m not going to post gnarly photos, but I will encourage you to google ANY piece of clothing you’re wearing on your motorcycle and see how it lasts in a real crash. Here’s the thing about crashing in gear. When you crash in it, it’s not supposed to fall off your body.

And I’m not saying that leather is the end all, be all. But generally speaking leathers can be rated to offer the most protection (but there are exceptions).

These numbers are in my opinion, the minimum you should expect to spend on basic gear. Yes, THAT much! Riding is a risky sport. Let's be honest, you are on a 2 wheeled vehicle, out in the middle of traffic, between cars and trucks that have steel bodies, airbags and every other safety feature imaginable to keep them from being injured. What do YOU have? Nothing! Except gear. Aside from rider education, learning the basic emergency techniques/skills that you need to minimize the risks, gear is all you have to protect yourself.  So consider increasing your budget to increase your chances of Not getting seriously injured while riding.

Typical city riding gear; armored leggings riding shoes, short cuff gloves, mesh jacket, full face mx helmet and goggles.


The short answer is YES.

But, I also know that as a rider who also commutes across town at most, 2-3 miles, it's much more difficult to dress fully head to toe. I'm probably one of the few percent who actually do. I feel naked without all of my gear on. There are a ton of options out there, and if you spend some time shopping I know you'll find something that works and fits your budget. You can do riding jeans, riding leggings and more.

Depending on the kind of riding you're doing, you'll find a variety of options out there (more for men than women, unfortunately). Everything from textile, ventilated pants for summer to fully waterproof, insulated pants for winter, to full leathers (1 piece, 2 piece, perforated, non perforated) to textile/leather hybrids for different temperatures. There is something for everyone.

Many gear options are also being made for the commuter in mind too. Not everything is for sportbike riders anymore. Now you can find everything from scooter friendly gear (articulated ideally for upright riding and a short reach) to commuter friendly options, to dual sport/adventure riding gear. Companies such as AetherREV'ITDainese, Roland Sands and Alpinestars are making really simple, casual friendly looking gear (for men too) that doesn't make you look like you just got off your scooter/motorcycle.

This is after wearing ALL the gear. You can still get hurt!

This is after wearing ALL the gear. You can still get hurt!

The other thing to consider about investing in gear is that the reason you're spending a significant amount of money is for safety/protection. Why is it easy to spend $200 on a new kitchen appliance, but it's impossible to consider spending more than that on your head, hands, chest, back, hips, knees, legs, ankles, feet? Why do we have absolutely no problem dropping money on a new stereo, ipod, iphone, laptop, tv, but we can't bring ourselves to spend on protective gear? They aren't just clothes. They offer real features that lower the risks of injury while riding your motorcycle.

Did you know that your insurance company may reimburse you for any safety gear that is damaged in an accident? I know State Farm does, I've been with them for almost 20 years and they definitely do.

There is a happy medium. But finding it, making sense of it, figuring out what fits, what doesn't, and what works is another issue. That's why I'm here to help you make sense of it all and help you find what you're looking for.      

So now that you've decided "YES, I'm going to invest in motorcycle gear!" I've got a few tips to help you navigate the world that is protective motorcycle apparel

Shopping Rules

It's a completely different experience from shopping for casual clothes, so I've put together these Rules to help you understand how to evaluate proper fit when it comes to riding gear. It's a completely backwards experience, so keep in mind that you’re not shopping just for your closet anymore, you’re shopping for protection.  

Rule #1

Always judge proper fit on a motorcycle (or in riding position)

My Yamaha XT250 is very neutral, my arms are almost 90degrees and my legs are pretty much at 90 degrees when they’re on the pegs since their right beneath me, just like sitting in a chair.

Elbows close to the body for street, up high for dirt.

We're so used to standing in front of the mirror when we shop for our casual clothes, it's easy to forget this when you walk into a motorcycle dealership. There's so much to see, so much to touch and try on. It can be overwhelming. It's definitely important to see yourself in the mirror, or ask your shopping buddy what she thinks to make sure you like the gear you're trying on. But, that can't be the last step. You need to walk over to the nearest motorcycle or scooter, or, if you rode there, ask the apparel salesperson if you can step outside really quick and try it on your own. 

Because I’m leaning slightly forward, the fit across my chest is tighter as I stand up, but looser / more comfortable as I lean forward.

This is especially important if you ride a sportbike and you're trying on a jacket that is more fitted for touring / commuting. You may find it too short in the arms, or not comfortable in sport riding position because the fit wasn't intended for that riding position. The fit differences can vary greatly because of this. If you didn't ride there, then find the nearest bike that matches your riding profile. You may find that a jacket fits great on an upright, dual sport but fits horribly on a super sport. That may make or break your decision to buy that jacket, especially if you want one to work on all your bikes (lucky you, if you have more than one!). 

Also remember to keep those elbows in, unless you’re trying on Adventure / Offroad focused gear, because that’s pretty much the only time you’re going to bring your elbows up (like a chicken). On sportbikes, tourers and cruisers, your elbows will always be down so don’t put them upward and keep them closer to your body.

For more fitted, sport cut jackets, remember that the minute you pull your elbows out and up, you’ll make the chest fit even tighter, since it’s cut more for a forward lean, rather than an upright one.

Rule #2

If it's too comfortable, it's probably too big

Mens motorcycle gear on small women are almost always too big!

Mens motorcycle gear on small women are almost always too big! Me, back in 2005ish on my first motorcycle, wearing an older REV’IT! mens jacket. It was way too big for me. You can tell by the way the back protector protrudes outward from my neck. it’s so roomy / broad up there, it’s pulling away from my body.

When I come home after a long day at work, I like to change out of my work/outside clothes, and change into something way more comfortable. I put on my fleece pants, walk over to my husband's closet, grab one of his tshirts and a sweatshirt (he's 6', 200lbs), walk over to the couch and start relaxing. There's absolutely no purpose to what I'm wearing except enjoying the couch. Ahhh. 

The key word is too. We want comfort, but it's really easy to fall into the "just a little bigger" trap when we try on gear. It's such an opposite experience for many people. What? I need to wear these gloves THAT snug? Why does my helmet need to be so tight around the cheeks? Why does this jacket have to be this fitted around the torso? The reason is because you're about to ride a motorcycle, you need more than just a piece of cloth covering your body. You need arms that are fitted and have enough length from the shoulders to the wrists to allow for full reach. You need a fitted torso so that you're not cold when it starts getting windy and extra air isn't blowing around there. You need a pant leg that isn't so wide that your knee armor is swinging from side to side. You need gloves that aren't too big at the palms because you might get blisters after awhile from them. 

The reason why there's body armor at the shoulders, elbows, hips and knees, is because those areas are where you're likely to impact first if you fall down. Sad, but true. You might fall off your motorcycles (most likely due to someone else's fault) and your gear is there to protect you. It needs to be right up against you body to fully do it's job. Armor is an extension of your own body, and it won't be if it's sliding around unsecured.

Rule #3

Fit, then budget

It's so important to ignore price tags while you're shopping at first. Let yourself enjoy, just in the beginning, the possibility that you can afford anything you want in the store.  By ignoring price tags, you may miss out on something that fits you like a glove.  Many times, a more expensive piece of gear may fit better than other less expensive options.

And finding that fit in the beginning is the most difficult part. But once you figure out what brands/styles/fits work best, it's a much easier process the next time you go shopping and you'll know exactly what to look for, or what brands to seek out.

If you find that you still can't afford the high priced item you've just fallen in love with, that company probably has more options in their catalog. Often times, a dealer can only afford to put out one or two options on their apparel floors, so it doesn't hurt to ask to see what else they have to offer that fits in your budget.  And the best part is you now know how perfectly something fits you so you can easily choose an outfit that does fit your budget. 

Rule #4

Try on everything until you find the right shape/fit

And with that fit, you must keep trying things on until you find the right shape for your body type.

Ladies, when we shop, we have so much more to think about than men do. Guys, you have it so easy! As women, we have something called Curves. Curvy hips, thighs, a bust and waists, to name a few. We have a few different shapes that we have to deal with including pears, apples, hourglasses and everything in between. Often times, are top halves are different sizes than our bottom halves. We need to find gear that fits every curve and then some. 

The difference between many manufacturers is fit. Some have European cuts (long, lean, narrow), some have American cuts (generous, curvy, broad). And then some are in between, for the average shaped woman. Keep trying things on until you get a sense of what companies make the best fit for your body type and shape. Unfortunately, you may find that the most expensive options fit the best (and not only in smaller, petite sizes, but plus sizes as well) but at least it will give you a frame of reference for what fits.

Gentlemen, although you don't have curves to deal with, you do have two shapes to deal with. Circles and squares, and sometimes rectangles. Many of you have long arms and long but narrow torsos. I recommend an American brand for circles and squares and European brands for rectangles. The narrower your torso, the more of a European fit you may need.

Rule # 5

Leather should start out snug so it can stretch and break in

Rukka Apollo GTX Gloves. Every time I buy a new pair of gloves, I'm always worried they're too tight. But then they break in and voila! A perfect fit.

Rukka Apollo GTX Gloves. Every time I buy a new pair of gloves, I'm always worried they're too tight. But then they break in and voila! A perfect fit.

If your new boots, gloves, jacket or pants are made of leather (manmade or natural), you'll need to let them in break in and stretch out. Up to 1/8" in some cases, depending on the brand. If you buy that new pair of gloves in the way in which it fits at the moment you're trying them on, they will likely loosen up and stretch out over time. Same with your jacket. After you've ridden a couple hundred miles, you'll notice everything fits a little wider, a little looser everywhere.

Thinking about the fit in that moment you're trying something on, ask yourself if you just need a teeny bit more room everywhere? If the answer is yes, then you've got the right size. Because after it stretches out, you'll have the perfect fit.
There a few exceptions, in the case of gloves that have kangaroo palms, since kangaroo doesn't stretch very much. But your apparel salesperson should be able to tell you exactly what to expect from brand to brand.     



Trying on my brand new track boots, which I’d never worn before.

Sometimes, you need to get used to the “idea” of gear. This is especially true when you’re either:

  1. new to gear, because you’re either a new rider, or finally decided to gear up after riding for many years

  2. haven’t bought brand new gear in 5-10-15 years

  3. new to a type of gear (e.g. you sold your cruiser and bought an adventure bike so you’re trying on completely different gear than you’re used to wearing

  4. haven’t been fitting your gear properly for awhile and are now trying on items that fit you properly

Whenever you buy brand new gear, it’s always good to try it at home for awhile. Especially helmets and leathers. I always recommend this for riders who are brand new to leather, or wearing gear in general. Especially those of you who fall into bullet #1.

Getting used to the ‘idea’ of motorcycle gear can take time too, so to preserve your ability to return an item because it’s the wrong fit/size/comfort, don’t throw any tags away. Don’t peel off the faceshield stickers, put on your new helmet/jacket/gloves/pants and just wear them gently around the house to break them in or to make them feel more comfortable to you.

If you’re not sure about sizing, just wearing it for 5-10-15 minutes can help you see whether or not you should keep it.

If you can’t wear a piece of gear around the house (unzipped, for jackets and all vents/shields open for helmets, so you don’t get too hot) for 15 minutes because it’s too uncomfortable, how are you going to wear that on your new 2-3-4 hour ride?

Real Gear v. Fake Gear

Many of us ride motorcycles everyday, we're breaking stereotypes. We're not all bikers and we're not all racers. We value ourselves so much that we're willing to invest some real money into our gear and wear it every time we ride.

We want and need gear that protects and performs just as well as the men's, if not better! (We are the driving force of 99% of the households in America, aren't we?) When you start shopping, you're going to see so many options, many marketed specifically for women.

Exactly what NOT to wear while riding!

Exactly what NOT to wear while riding!

There's been a horrific trend of "marketing" products to us without anything in mind except how it looks. It's hard not to be drawn to something because of the way it appears. But, when we start shopping for gear, we must draw a line in the sand and realize that not everything is mean for riding and that Safety and Protection MUST be our first priority.

Real Gear has a few key qualities that makes it something for riding (and crashing) in. Let's be honest, we're buying gear in order to protect our bodies, in the case of an accident (which we can NEVER predict - e.g. Getting rear ended while stopped at a red light back in '09, or being cut off by a driver who turns left in front of us!).   So let's try and prioritize ourselves for a change instead of putting our needs in the backseat above our friends/family.

So How Do we Define Real Gear?

1. Protection

When it comes to Real Motorcycle Gear, it MUST have body armor OR pockets to add your own in all of these places:


  • Back

  • Shoulders

  • Elbows


  • Hips

  • Elbows


  • Knuckles (soft or hard)

  • Palms (reinforcements or armor)


  • Ankles, toes, heels (reinforcements)

REV’IT! Seeflex Knee Protectors, rated CE Level 2

REV’IT! Seesmart Elbow/Hip Protectors, rated CE Level 1

Thank god for my leather pants, when I went down in 2015 they absolutely saved my knees. I still ended up with bruises along the side of my leg because crashing hurts!

Thank god for my leather pants, when I went down in 2015 they absolutely saved my knees. I still ended up with bruises along the side of my leg because crashing hurts!

Since it’s no longer the 1980s or 1990s, technology has provided us MUCH better armor options than we had back then. Armor was hard, plastic, not flexible.

Now, there’s a ton of options for soft, yet strong armor that absorbs impact and protects you far better than older options did. You don’t want hard, plastic plates anymore. You want soft, pliable materials that can absorb energy and disperse the impact. All the major brands out there will offer cutting edge materials and technologies so that you’ll barely notice that armor is even in the garment. Especially if you’re shopping for fashion focused products that look like regular clothes but are secretly super protective.

If it's a textile jacket, what kind of abrasion resistant material is being used to help with heat resistance? If it's leather, why is that leather jacket better than another one? Is there something unique about the way they've treated the leather to make it perform better under the stresses of heat and abrasion or impact?

Here in the US, you can make anything and call it motorcycle gear and then sell it. Who's to say what's really protective and what isn't?  Unfortunately, that responsibility falls to the rider.

2. Articulation

The easiest way to tell if something is designed and manufactured for riding is if it's more comfortable while riding. It sounds backwards, but ideally something will fit you better on the bike than off. That's fully zipped, buttoned and cinched.  It should be awful standing up in front of the mirror and far more comfortable on the bike.

You'll find that the arms are a little longer so you can reach forward, it'll feel tight between your shoulders across your bust, there should be enough room across the back of your shoulders so it doesn't feel like you're pulling against the seams. The arms will have a precurved look to them, while on the hanger, pants might be higher in the back than in the front, and boots will kind of look like a ski boot, slightly bent forward with some accordion fold above the arch to accommodate your ankles bending forward.

When you try on a glove, they should make your hands feel ready to squeeze the handgrip. In fact, they should make it easier to squeeze and grip your handgrips. If you’re fighting your gloves, they’re probably too flat (no precurve) or they’re maybe not motorcycle specific.

Some gear is going to be more comfortable in one riding position than others, so don't be surprised if you find that it works on one style of bike (e.g. Dual Sport) and not another (Sport), since they can require slightly different types of articulation.

3. Function

Loopback, with adjustable collar for comfort

Loopback, with adjustable collar for comfort

What kinds of things has the manufacturer added to make the jacket functional and make your ride more comfortable? Do they have you, the Rider in mind? Hopefully someone spent some time on the bike, actually riding in the gear to test out how it performs in real riding conditions.

One of my jackets has a zipper that zip opens from the bottom to the top so that the pocket doesn't open up easily while riding.

My boots have fully adjustable velcro panels at the calves, so I can make them more snug when I wear textile pants and then looser when I wear my leather pants (which taper at the ankle so I can wear them inside the boot).

Maybe your textile jacket has vents in key spots up the arms or across the chest to provide useful airflow.  On a lot of women's jackets, you'll find adjustments on the sides of the waist and sometimes in the back.

If your jacket doesn't offer you anything to make your ride more comfortable and less distracting it might be time to reconsider what kind of gear you're wearing or that recent purchase at the mall.

No matter what you ride, gear is key. I hope you wear something that fits you, works for you and most importantly, protects you.

And as always, if you need my help please don't hesitate to contact me via email or via any of my social channels.

Shiny Side UP,

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