My friend Christina asked me for some recommendations for cute styles of helmets for women. These are the rec's I sent her, all of them are Mid-High End helmets, because as you know, I'm not going to recommend a low end or just any helmet. I know what you're thinking. Why on earth is that helmet almost $600? Is it the flashy graphics? The sparkly paint? Not really. A combination of weight, advanced shell materials, construction and the research/development that went into the helmet. Some like Shoei and Arai are handmade in Japan, not on an assembly line in China.
It's like buying a Honda Civic vs. a Ferrari. They're both cars, but made in an entirely different way, with different functions, features and guidelines. Everything is like that in the world of motorcycle apparel manufacturers. Each company does things a different way, in different countries, using entirely different methods to create a product. Some cost more to make, some cost less. The question is, "What's your head worth"?
Many of the helmets, including Shoei and Icon are on sale at Revzilla right now. The RF1000 is being replaced by the RF1100, as well as the X-11 which is being replaced by the X-12. Arai's Quantum 2 is also being replaced with a new version.
Listed in order of High End to Low End Styles:
1) Suomi "Spec 1R Extreme Flower" $550
colors: varies
2) Arai "Profile Riptide", $567
color shown: Lady
3) Shoei RF 1000 "Flutter", $350
colors: white/pink, blue/white, white/silver
4) Shoei RF 1100 "Sylvan" $450
colors: black-silver, black-pink, white-bronze/brown
colors: white/red, matte dark grey/blue, black/silver
7) Icon "Mainframe Regal" $330
(8) Icon "Bombshell GoGo" $300
colors: black, blue, pink
9) Scorpion EXO-700 "Black Dahlia" $220
colors: black, white