New Rider, Very Petite

Hi there, great website! I am just starting to learn to ride a motorbike so currently looking at some gear. I am also petite, 5'0 & 49kgs (108lbs). I was wondering if you'd ever tried Held motorcycle gear? Looking online, I have found that some of their jackets go down to size 34 but I am unable to find a women's size chart guide for their products! Keep up the good work.

Cheers, Elisa (Melbourne, Australia)

Hi Elisa,

I haven't tried Held recently, but from what I know, I'm guessing the 34 would work. Revit 34 is also a good bet.  If you can find older Revit gear (~5 years ago) the fitments on 34s were very narrow and smaller than current 34s. Longer arms though. I don't know if you're looking at the Xena in a 34, but that might fit you, it seems to run fairly small.