
See Me Soar, Hear Me Roar

Last summer I had the privilege of riding with the amazing Pat Jacques of, on parts of the Colorado Backcountry Discovery Route. The ride was sponsored in part by WomenRidersNow and SeeMeBeauty.

As part of this trip, I was honored to be chosen as part of a series of short videos that WRN and SMB put together about our journeys. This was one of the most transformative two wheel journeys of my life, having very little offroad riding experience. I feel lucky as ever to have ridden with all of these women and learned so much from my coaches and fellow riders. I hope you enjoy this video as much as I was to be a part of it:

Join Me on The Lean Angle

(Left: Alisa Clickenger/Women’s Motorcycle Tours, Right: Porsche Taylor/Black Girls Ride Mag,)

(Left: Alisa Clickenger/Women’s Motorcycle Tours, Right: Porsche Taylor/Black Girls Ride Mag,)

I never have enough to do so I started a brand new motorcycle show on Facebook, called The Lean Angle.

We’ll be streaming live on Facebook, on our page here:

The Lean Angle will cover a wide range of topics as it relates to motorcycles. Alisa has a strong solo travel, dual sport background (in addition to street touring) and Porsche has a lot of experience in solo travel, sport touring and cruising. And you know me and my sporty bike addiction.

We hope to be on at least once a month for ~60 minutes but will do our best to try and see you a little sooner. With summer around the corner, our schedules are hectic but we all love talking about motorcycles so check out our first episode which aired last night!

And you DON’T even need a Facebook account to watch! But if you do have an account, post a comment in the episode and let us know your thoughts including what kinds of topics you’d like us to cover in future episodes.

So it doesn’t matter who you are, what/when/how/where you ride. Join us on The Lean Angle!

me alisa porsche.jpg

Short Riding Tips Series

Me, on my toes at the 2018 Women's Sportbike Rally West

Me, on my toes at the 2018 Women's Sportbike Rally West

After a few weeks of traveling, I'm finally back in Philly. First I went to the Women's Sportbike Rally in Camarillo (July 13-15). That's where I got to ride Goldie's Twin again (above). Isn't she beautiful?

Take a look at the Event Recap Photos to see what you might have missed.  

I've created a new playlist on my Youtube channel which will include my best tips for short riders. Most recently I uploaded a video on how I park my bike. And why most of the time, I choose to jump off my bike to park it and how I do it quickly and safely. I hope you'll subscribe. 

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